How will the space be set up?
Our meeting rooms are set up boardroom style. If you need a different arrangement, move the furniture as needed and return to the default setup at the end of your booking. Library staff are unable to assist with the setup or pack down of the room.
Include setup and pack-up time in your room booking slot. Rooms must be vacated by 5:15 PM Monday to Friday, or 15 minutes prior to the library’s closing time.
I’d like to use the screens; will you provide a laptop?
No, please bring your own laptop if you wish to connect to our screens.
Can I connect to the internet?
Yes, we provide free library Wi-Fi to all our visitors. Simply open your device settings and connect to the LibraryPublicWifi network. Then, open a browser (e.g., Safari, Chrome, or Edge) and accept the terms and conditions that appear.
Do you supply tea and coffee?
We do not supply tea, coffee, milk, or sugar. However, you are welcome to bring your own. For rooms with a kitchenette, we do provide tea/coffee cups, and water glasses. A kitchenette is available in the Noosaville Wallum Room and the Cooroy Community Access Room and is equipped with a Billi Tap for hot beverages. You will need to book these rooms if you would like to have tea/coffee for your room booking. The Noosaville Rainforest Room, Noosaville Gumnut Pod, and Cooroy Small Meeting Room do not have a kitchenette or access to any kitchenette facilities.
What happens if I need to cancel?
If you need to cancel, please call us at 5329 6555 as soon as possible. This will allow other users the opportunity to book the space.
Your booking will be automatically cancelled if you do not arrive within 15 minutes of your room’s booking start time.
Can I make a recurring booking?
Yes, complete the online form and one of our team will be in touch to discuss.
Is there a discount for recurring bookings?
No. You may receive a discount if you are eligible for the not-for-profit/community discount rate.
Can I make an after-hours booking?
After-hours bookings are available for the Cooroy Library Community Access Room only and incur the full fee rate for all users (including not-for-profit and community groups).
Am I eligible for the 50% community or not-for-profit booking?
To be eligible for the 50% discount rate, you must be a registered not-for-profit or community group and must not be undertaking commercial activities. This includes running ticketed events where you charge attendees, selling goods, services, or products, or running appointments that incur costs to others. If you are a community or Not For Profit and you are charging attendees you will be required to pay the full fee rate.
Are there bathrooms available?
Yes, we have toilets available in our public library area.
Do you provide sound equipment such as a PA system/ speakers/ microphones?
No, the library is unable to supply sound equipment. You are welcome to source these items independently and bring them with you. You will need to set this up yourself and be mindful of other library patrons with the speaker/ sound system volume.
How do I pay?
We accept both card and cash payments, which must be made before your booking commences. Please visit the customer service desk to make your payment. Our staff will then provide access to the room for bookings during opening hours or give you an after-hours pack for bookings outside of opening hours..
Can I have alcohol at my event?
No, our meeting room locations are not licensed to serve alcohol. Do not sell, distribute, or allow any alcohol to be consumed or brought onto the premises.
Can the library help publicise my event?
No, the library does not publicise or advertise events held in our meeting rooms by room hirers. It’s important to note that while you are using our space, the event is entirely your responsibility. To avoid confusion, ensure that your event is marketed stating you are the organiser and include all relevant booking details. Also, be sure to list Noosaville or Cooroy Library as the venue.